fashion amongst tasteless status-quo

Note: developer has a limited attention span, so this may be the only short run of all products listed on this page!

Buy a based shirt instead of eating ze bugs.

Grab a swell mug instead of living in ze pod.

You will own things and like it more than the globally homogeneous NPC automatons.

Rich Tapestry of Capitalist Goods

Ukraine Nope Thank you Scott Horton. 


Vote Chippy 2024! 

anarchy inside

Ready to unleash the peaceful beast? 

  • war is not peace

    NOPE. Not even a little bit. Stealing from American's to fund mass murder in <insert current imperialist regime target puppet region here> is not peace.

  • freedom is not slavery

    With AnarchyInside eschew the next NPC upgrades for bugs, pods, and oblivion.

  • ignorance is not strength

    Listen to Actual Science via people with Actual Integrity using the Actual Scientific Method. For the anti-science lockdowners: free rides!